Carney Technologies Services


Frequently Asked Questions

Search engine optimization is important and must not be overlooked by any business. With the involvement of special algorithms and KPIs, the online traffic is directed to the website. The benefits of having a strong SEO strategy helps your business to be better placed online. A quick overview of the reasons why SEO is important.

  • It is the lowest costing advertising format online.
  • Delivers robust ROI.
  • The data attained from SEO is actionable.
  • Leads are nurtured and the marketing funnels conversion.
  • Your website authority and credibility are increased.
  • SEO draws the most relevant customers to your website.

When prospective buyers are attracted to your business, you understand their interest and nurture them leading them to the conversion goal through process-oriented stages; you make the lead
generation work. What are the different lead types?

Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)
Contacts that have seen and exchanged engagement with your marketing team by filling up forms for a particular service can be termed under this category.

Sales Qualified Lead (SQL)
When we refer to qualified leads, it shows that you are referring to those that have taken some action in becoming a paid customer, a person that has not just filled the form but sends questions showing interest in the product.

Product Qualified Lead (PQL)
Taking interest in the product companies offer product trials or a free limited product trial version with an up-gradation allowing the sales team to engage with the customer and provide a paid version of the product when the limited period is over.

Service Qualified Lead

Those customers have shown indications to the service team that they wish to become paid customers. These customers are also upgraded to product subscriptions by the sales team.

Lead generation brings you to your customers. Your visitors find your business through the marketing channels floated by you like blogs, websites, and social media pages. Encouraging them to click with the call-to-action button, visitors are prompted to take action. Driving visitors to the landing page the lead information is captured when the offer is exchanged. The offered content on the landing page must have enough value perceived by the visitor to exchange their personal information. This information is served on the form in the landing page embedded on the site. This is how lead capturing is done makes the process of lead generation significant.

When building a website, the work that goes into its development is broadly called web development. It could be anything from a webpage that has plain text like a microsite to developing a complicated web application from an e-commerce marketplace to development for social networking. Dealing with markup and coding and relatable development tasks like side scripting from the client’s side and the server’s side.

Having an online presence today is crucial. After the COVID Pandemic, the demand for online presence has gravitated and now this is applicable for all business capacities online. The advantage of a website accompanied by a social profile adds a curious advantage to your business and surely you want to embrace all the opportunities from your online presence.

Your website establishes your business authenticity.

A good website is essential to establish your business trust. If the website is clean and easily navigable it can easily show up in the search engine boosting your business presence online. When you create a social media business profile, with a legitimate website, your social media channels gain greater leverage.

A website attracts more customers.

If the website is well-optimized it will show its ready presence on the Google search page. The website not only answers the query that the visitor searches but invites new customers to view your profile. A website profile is likely to be viewed more than a social media profile. If your web development has been designed by an experienced developer you can compete equally with competitors. When investing in Google ads or Facebook ads, you can gain greater traction from ads by directing the traffic from your ad campaigns to your website. The best thing about website visitors is, they stay and return in the future. The influence of a website is constant, unlike an offline store, it has no closing hours.

The center point and link to your marketing effort

When the customers are looking for products that you are selling, your website will be highlighted with the best SEO practices. Someone looking through the Google Map can find your website. The more information your website furnishes the higher will be the curiosity and knowledge of the visitor boosting the credibility of your product.

To start off with, everything on the Internet is about content. Right from communicating via emails, to social media networking, to blogging, videos, images and slides – everything depends on contents. Content marketing is the most effective way to attract and develop a specific target audience with the ultimate goal of creating true customer engagement.
Google, and other search engines, rank you as per the value of your content and the quality of recommendations and back links encouraged by the value. The basic world of SEO revolves around professional content marketing. The need of the hour is to publish good quality content and make it available via various channels – this would encourage people to link to your website URLs for the right value provided rather than for the purpose of advertising.
Google, and other search engines, rank you as per the value of your content and the quality of recommendations and back links encouraged by the value. The basic world of SEO revolves around professional content marketing. The need of the hour is to publish good quality content and make it available via various channels – this would encourage people to link to your website URLs for the right value provided rather than for the purpose of advertising.