Carney Technologies Services

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

When you are using services of Carney Technologies Services, we understand that you trust us with your information. As a digital marketing agency, our services are widespread, and our clients are free to use it at their convenience. Whether you want to create new content, or design webpage, we will render our expertise to meet your expectations.

So the information that we collect is to offer better services to the clients, and fulfill their online goals. If you are wondering how the data is utilized, what happens with the collected data, or where does the data go after use, you will be happy to know that we strive to keep your personal information safe and secured, and put you in control of it.

What is valuable to you is equally valuable to us, and we believe in maintaining the confidentiality of our clients and it is our constant effort to deliver solutions, living up to our reputation, because your needs are unique.

Whenever we are using information, other than what has been provided, we will take your consent, giving you the access to share and withdraw content that you deem unfit. At the same time, if any changes are made with the company policy, we notify our clients, before it becomes subjected to a different privacy policy. Compliance is very important to us, and we review it regularly.

When you go through our terms and policies, you agree to comply with the conditions stated, and we value your support in doing so. On our behalf, it is our duty, responsibility to ensure that your privacy is safeguarded, and your interest undisclosed. We have tried to keep things really simple for easy comprehension, and if you feel unfamiliar with something, feel free to consult with us.